Bridging the years project: Tape 47 - Interview with Bernard Birchall
TitleBridging the years project: Tape 47 - Interview with Bernard Birchall
16 Feb 1990
Production date 1990-02-16 - 1990-02-16
Scope and ContentThe interview covers the fact that the family lived in houses on the docks, that his father was a Turkish seaman and his mother was Irish. It also covers seamen and the Ship Canal, his work at Parkinson and Cowan, Stretford and then at Lancashire Dynamo and Metropolitan-Vickers, trade unions, the Labour Party in Salford, pubs, prostitutes, Salford's Barbary Coast and blackshirts.
Extent1 audio cassette
Persons keywordBirchall, Bernard, Parkinson and Cowan, Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Metropolitan-Vickers, Labour Party
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationZ Salford Tapes Box 2 (Room 24)