Communist Party of Britain: Stockport Branch
TitleCommunist Party of Britain: Stockport Branch
Production date 1993 - 1996
Scope and ContentMinutes Sep 1993-Mar 1996 (see also ORG/CPB/2/22)and correspondence with Communist News, papers for 42nd congress 1993, treasurer's reports, papers on alternatives to Maastricht 1993, devolution, district congress report, district congress letters, paper on local elections 1994, election strategy 1996, report of work for 43rd congress 1995, part of presidential address given by Alf Morris at Cooperative Congress 1995, Stockport Borough Council charging policy for adult non residential services questionnaire and review, tribute to Harry Pollitt 1890-1960
Extent1 folder
Persons keywordCommunist Party of Britain, Morris, Alf, Pollitt, Harry
SubjectCo-operative movement, Social services
Conditions governing accessopen
Normal locationAG Communist Party of Britain Box 11 (Room 36)
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