Bill Moore collection: Ireland
TitleBill Moore collection: Ireland
Production date 1976-06-01 - 2001-07-01
Scope and ContentMany copies of the 'Irish Democrat' ranging from the 1990s to the 2000s. The papers are mostly different issues of the Peter Berresford Ellis column 'Anonn is Anall'. There are also a variety of sources connected to the Connolly Association, including newsletters, newspaper articles and the Constitution of the Connolly Association. There is a publication called 'The British State and Irish Unity', as well as party literature and letters appealing for new members of Irish groups such as 'Clann Na Heireann'.
Extent2 folders
Persons keywordMoore, Bill, Ellis, Peter Berresford, Connolly Association, Irish Democrat, Sinn Fein
SubjectNewspapers, Anglo-Irish disputes, Sectarianism
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAG Moore, Bill Box 7 (Room 37)