Suffragette Movement collection
TitleSuffragette Movement collection
Production date 1875 - 2021
Scope and ContentPapers relating to the Suffragette movement, including
- Ticket for an address by Lydia Becker on the Political disabilities of Women: their social and legal consequences, made on behalf fo the Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage
- Letter from the Home Office to Mrs Stevenson regarding the prisoner Ethel Slade [Ellen Stevenson] (30 Nov 1912) [SUBJ-SUFF-001.jpg]
- Circular on WSPU headed paper regarding treatment of Nurse [Violet] Bryant in prison (5 Jan 1910) [SUBJ-SUFF-002.jpg]
- Rochdale Women's Social and Political Union minutes 4 May 1907-20 Nov 1915, 6 Sep 1933-6 Dec 1938, plus balance sheets for 1909/10 and 1911
- Courage by Wyn Langton, daughter of Eliza Adelaide Knight, Suffragette (typescript of pages 119-184)
- Typescript of Suffragette Pudding
- Letter from Sylvia Pankhurst to Mr Elder re: the Workers Dreadnought (17 June 1920)
- Letter of condolence from Edinburgh National Society of Women's Suffrage to the family of Lydia Ernestine Becker (12 Nov 1890)
- Programme of the third annual mission of the Church League for Women's Suffrage (1912)
- Song of a simple life, by Frederick Augustus Carlton Smith (1909)
- CD of Ingleby Kernaghan's unfinished biography of Richard Marsden Pankhurst
- Typescript of Banners and Broad Arrows - a film by Nigel Shephard
- Typescript of Kodak Girls: the suffragettes, photography and the silver screen - a presentation by Nigel Shephard
- Miscellaneous papers, including The Stylist (no 402, 7 Feb 2018)
- 4 First day covers
- Blank postcards including two showing delegates to the 7th congress of Womens Rights (1913) [SUBJ-SUFF-003.jpg and SUBJ-SUFF-004.jpg]
- Leaflets
- Press cuttings
Folder 1: Six suffrage movement exhibition boards
Digital recording: The art of suffrage propaganda - Invisible Histories talk (Voting for Change project) talk by Elizabeth Crawford (19 Oct 2018)
Online talks: The pre-First World War labour unrest and women's suffrage revolt: never the twain shall meet? - Invisible Histories talk by Ralph Darlington (22 Apr 2020); The Scottish suffragettes - International Women's Day talk by Sarah Pedersen (10 Mar 2021)
- Ticket for an address by Lydia Becker on the Political disabilities of Women: their social and legal consequences, made on behalf fo the Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage
- Letter from the Home Office to Mrs Stevenson regarding the prisoner Ethel Slade [Ellen Stevenson] (30 Nov 1912) [SUBJ-SUFF-001.jpg]
- Circular on WSPU headed paper regarding treatment of Nurse [Violet] Bryant in prison (5 Jan 1910) [SUBJ-SUFF-002.jpg]
- Rochdale Women's Social and Political Union minutes 4 May 1907-20 Nov 1915, 6 Sep 1933-6 Dec 1938, plus balance sheets for 1909/10 and 1911
- Courage by Wyn Langton, daughter of Eliza Adelaide Knight, Suffragette (typescript of pages 119-184)
- Typescript of Suffragette Pudding
- Letter from Sylvia Pankhurst to Mr Elder re: the Workers Dreadnought (17 June 1920)
- Letter of condolence from Edinburgh National Society of Women's Suffrage to the family of Lydia Ernestine Becker (12 Nov 1890)
- Programme of the third annual mission of the Church League for Women's Suffrage (1912)
- Song of a simple life, by Frederick Augustus Carlton Smith (1909)
- CD of Ingleby Kernaghan's unfinished biography of Richard Marsden Pankhurst
- Typescript of Banners and Broad Arrows - a film by Nigel Shephard
- Typescript of Kodak Girls: the suffragettes, photography and the silver screen - a presentation by Nigel Shephard
- Miscellaneous papers, including The Stylist (no 402, 7 Feb 2018)
- 4 First day covers
- Blank postcards including two showing delegates to the 7th congress of Womens Rights (1913) [SUBJ-SUFF-003.jpg and SUBJ-SUFF-004.jpg]
- Leaflets
- Press cuttings
Folder 1: Six suffrage movement exhibition boards
Digital recording: The art of suffrage propaganda - Invisible Histories talk (Voting for Change project) talk by Elizabeth Crawford (19 Oct 2018)
Online talks: The pre-First World War labour unrest and women's suffrage revolt: never the twain shall meet? - Invisible Histories talk by Ralph Darlington (22 Apr 2020); The Scottish suffragettes - International Women's Day talk by Sarah Pedersen (10 Mar 2021)
Extent1 box, 6 items and 3 digital recordings
Physical descriptionRecording durations: 1 hr 4 min; 1 hr 10 min; 58 min
Persons keywordWomen's Social and Political Union, Knight, Eliza Adelaide, Pankhurst, Sylvia, Becker, Lydia, Edinburgh National Society of Women's Suffrage, Pankhurst, RM, Church League for Women's Suffrage, Smith, Fredrick Augustus Carlton, Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage, Slade, Ethel, Bryant, Violet, East London Federation of the Suffragettes, Crawford, Elizabeth, Darlington, Ralph, Pedersen, Sarah
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAG Suffragette Movement Box 3; AA Drawer 5 Suffragette Movement Folder 1; Digital Resource
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