Friendly Society of Iron Founders: annual reports, 1876-1879
TitleFriendly Society of Iron Founders: annual reports, 1876-1879
Production date 1876 - 1879
Scope and ContentAnnual reports containing report, tables of expenditure on donation, superannuation, sickness, funerals, accidents and emigration, attendance of executive committee members at meetings, income and expenditure, branch membership returns, financial position of various funds, accident reports and payments, railway fares advanced to members, details of donations and sick pay returned, branch details, general office financial report, branch income and expenditure and audits, names and register numbers of new members, list of excluded members and reason for exclusion, obituary, propositions, auxiliary fund report, disputes.
Extent1 volume
SubjectTrade unions, Iron workers, Foundry workers
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationV27/39 (Room 10)