Jim Allen: film - Land and Freedom
TitleJim Allen: film - Land and Freedom
Production date 1986 - 2000
Scope and ContentBox 8: Scripts - Maydays: a film of the Spanish Civl War; two copies of the second draft (now entitled Land and Freedom: tierra y litertad); copy of the third draft; copy of the fourth draft with handwritten comments by Jim Allen; fragment of the fifth draft;
Box 9: Two copies of the final draft of the script; folder of script fragments; folder of press reviews, pamphlets, publicity material and other papers
Box 9: Two copies of the final draft of the script; folder of script fragments; folder of press reviews, pamphlets, publicity material and other papers
Extent2 boxes
Related object
Persons keywordAllen, Jim (1926-1999), Loach, Ken
SubjectFilms, Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAG Allen, Jim Boxes 8 and 9 (Room 36)