No-Conscription Fellowship, Hyde Group: letter re conscientious objectors in custody, 14 Aug 1916
TitleNo-Conscription Fellowship, Hyde Group: letter re conscientious objectors in custody, 14 Aug 1916
14 Aug 1916
Production date 1916-08-14 - 1916-08-14
Scope and ContentLetter to Mr AW Burgess from E Ridgway regarding the lack of communication from Bartle Wild in Wormwood Scrubs, along with a list of conscientious objectors in custody and their place of imprisonment: E Charlesworth, WM Stafford, BKA Wild, T Binyan, JR Smith, E Faulkner, Joe Broadbent, Albert Bardsley, H Gartside, E Jones
Extent1 item
Persons keywordNo-Conscription Fellowship, Wild, Bartle, Charlesworth, Ernest, Stafford, Wilfred, Binyon, Tom, Smith, John Robert, Faulkner, Ernest, Broadbent, Joe, Bardsley, Albert, Gartside, Harold, Jones, Edward
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAG No-Conscription Fellowship Box 1 (folder 7) (Room 37)
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