Copy number Shelfmark Loan category 15001481 J20/2 Reference only
TitleLeaflets and pamphlets 1920
Place of publicationManchester
PublisherCo-operative Union
Year of publication1922
SubjectCo-operative movement
Persons keywordCo-operative Union
Bibliographic notesBound volume of Co-operative Union pamphlets
Consists ofLectures to secretaries and managers, session 1919-20: fifth lecture - co-operative membership and propaganda from the officials' point of view
The effect of the income tax commissioners' recommednations relating to co-operative societies
Corporation profits tax: as applied to a co-operative society, with a specific example of a society's balance sheets
The case for increased capital for the co-operative movement
The amalgamation of societies as a means of consolidating the co-operative movement
Education and democracy: an address by Viscount Haldane delivered before the 52nd annual congress of the Co-operative Union, in Bristol, on May 25th, 1920
Co-operative capital: its accumulation and employment, with special reference to working expenses and trading results in retail societies
Lectures to secretaries and managers, session, 1919-20: fourth lecture - expenses and their influence upon trading results
The League of Nations and its co-operative implications
The capital levy
How to run a successful branch
The co-operative survey committee and its work
The income tax menace
Lectures to secretaries and managers, session 1919-20: sixth lecture - system in co-operative business
Collective buying: co-operative methods and their relation to income tax
Rule by committee
The inaugural address delivered by the Rev. G. A. Ramsay, at the 52nd annual congress of the Co-operative Union, held at Bristol, on Monday, May 24th, 1920
Co-operative farming
The taxation of co-operative societies: deputation to the Chancellor of the Exchequer - May 18th, 1920
Co-operators and the proposed corporation profits tax: being a report of the co-operative national emergency conference held in London, on Wednesday and Thursday 16th and 17th June, 1920
Co-operators and the proposed corporation profits tax: being a report of the special national conference held in Preston, on Wednesday 15th September, 1920
Co-operators and the provisions of the Education Act (England and Wales) of 1918 in relation to continued education
Extracts from the report of the Royal Commission on the income tax: being a reprint of the section of the report relating to co-operative societies, and the reservation signed by seven members of the commission
The report of the Royal Commission on the income tax and the proposal to tax co-operative societies
The Co-operative Party: being a report of the first national conference, held at Preston, on Thursday 16th September, 1920
The corporation profits tax: as imposed by the Finance Act, 1920
The League of Nations: a paper prepared by the League of Nations Union for use at conferences held under the auspices of the Co-operative Union
The new Education Act (England and Wales) of 1918 and the attitude of co-operative societies towards it
The organisation of junior co-operators: statement and scheme of organisation
A warning to co-operators!
Co-operation: a word to working men and women
Co-operation for agricultural workers
Co-operative societies and taxation
Co-operators, beware!
Do co-operators pay income tax?
Facts about the income tax
How Bob became a co-operator, and what he thought of it
Most urgent and important!: co-operators and the income tax
Report of the Royal Commission on the income tax: urgent necessity for immediate action
Should co-operators be taxed twice?
Some reasons why co-operators oppose the new corporation profits tax: and why they are opposed to any other tax imposed upon the results of mutual trading
Some reasons why I am a co-operator
The attacks on co-operative stores and creameries in Ireland
The co-operative movement
The co-operative municipal programme
The Trade Union Congress and co-operation
Trade unionists and co-operation
What co-operation can do for the worker
The effect of the income tax commissioners' recommednations relating to co-operative societies
Corporation profits tax: as applied to a co-operative society, with a specific example of a society's balance sheets
The case for increased capital for the co-operative movement
The amalgamation of societies as a means of consolidating the co-operative movement
Education and democracy: an address by Viscount Haldane delivered before the 52nd annual congress of the Co-operative Union, in Bristol, on May 25th, 1920
Co-operative capital: its accumulation and employment, with special reference to working expenses and trading results in retail societies
Lectures to secretaries and managers, session, 1919-20: fourth lecture - expenses and their influence upon trading results
The League of Nations and its co-operative implications
The capital levy
How to run a successful branch
The co-operative survey committee and its work
The income tax menace
Lectures to secretaries and managers, session 1919-20: sixth lecture - system in co-operative business
Collective buying: co-operative methods and their relation to income tax
Rule by committee
The inaugural address delivered by the Rev. G. A. Ramsay, at the 52nd annual congress of the Co-operative Union, held at Bristol, on Monday, May 24th, 1920
Co-operative farming
The taxation of co-operative societies: deputation to the Chancellor of the Exchequer - May 18th, 1920
Co-operators and the proposed corporation profits tax: being a report of the co-operative national emergency conference held in London, on Wednesday and Thursday 16th and 17th June, 1920
Co-operators and the proposed corporation profits tax: being a report of the special national conference held in Preston, on Wednesday 15th September, 1920
Co-operators and the provisions of the Education Act (England and Wales) of 1918 in relation to continued education
Extracts from the report of the Royal Commission on the income tax: being a reprint of the section of the report relating to co-operative societies, and the reservation signed by seven members of the commission
The report of the Royal Commission on the income tax and the proposal to tax co-operative societies
The Co-operative Party: being a report of the first national conference, held at Preston, on Thursday 16th September, 1920
The corporation profits tax: as imposed by the Finance Act, 1920
The League of Nations: a paper prepared by the League of Nations Union for use at conferences held under the auspices of the Co-operative Union
The new Education Act (England and Wales) of 1918 and the attitude of co-operative societies towards it
The organisation of junior co-operators: statement and scheme of organisation
A warning to co-operators!
Co-operation: a word to working men and women
Co-operation for agricultural workers
Co-operative societies and taxation
Co-operators, beware!
Do co-operators pay income tax?
Facts about the income tax
How Bob became a co-operator, and what he thought of it
Most urgent and important!: co-operators and the income tax
Report of the Royal Commission on the income tax: urgent necessity for immediate action
Should co-operators be taxed twice?
Some reasons why co-operators oppose the new corporation profits tax: and why they are opposed to any other tax imposed upon the results of mutual trading
Some reasons why I am a co-operator
The attacks on co-operative stores and creameries in Ireland
The co-operative movement
The co-operative municipal programme
The Trade Union Congress and co-operation
Trade unionists and co-operation
What co-operation can do for the worker
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