National finance and the finance of 1914-15: a speech delivered by the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. HH Asquith, MP in the House of Commons, June 25th 1914
Copy number Shelfmark Loan category 15001969 J24/30 Reference only
TitleNational finance and the finance of 1914-15: a speech delivered by the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. HH Asquith, MP in the House of Commons, June 25th 1914
Place of publicationLondon, England
PublisherLiberal Publication Department
Year of publication1914
SubjectLectures, sermons and speeches; Fiscal policy; Tariff reform; Taxation; National Debt; Social reform
Copy number | 15001969 |
Shelfmark | |
Loan status | |
Loan category | Reference only |