north-western section co-operative directory for the congress year 1881-2: containing the names and addresses of the co-operative societies in the section, arranged alphabetically under the districts to which they belong; and showing their relations to the Co-operative Union, the Co-operative News, the Co-operative Insurance Company, and the Co-operative Wholesale Society
Copy number Shelfmark Loan category 1000315 E39 Reference only
TitleThe north-western section co-operative directory for the congress year 1881-2: containing the names and addresses of the co-operative societies in the section, arranged alphabetically under the districts to which they belong; and showing their relations to the Co-operative Union, the Co-operative News, the Co-operative Insurance Company, and the Co-operative Wholesale Society
Corporate author
Place of publicationManchester
PublisherCentral Co-operative Board
Year of publication1881
Geographical keywordNorth West England, England
Persons keywordCo-operative Union
Copy number | 1000315 |
Shelfmark | |
Loan status | |
Loan category | Reference only |