political lecture on heads, alias blockheads!! a characteristic poem: containing the heads of Derry Down Triangle, The State Jackal, The Quack Doctor, Liverpool Jack, Chancery Jack, The Croaking Frog, The Admiralty Dunder-Ass, The Soldier of Waterloo, The Chère-Amie Marchioness, and the Grand Lama of the Kremlin - drawn from craniological inspection, after the manner of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim, of Vienna
Copy number Shelfmark Loan category 00187054 D54 Reference only
TitleA political lecture on heads, alias blockheads!! a characteristic poem: containing the heads of Derry Down Triangle, The State Jackal, The Quack Doctor, Liverpool Jack, Chancery Jack, The Croaking Frog, The Admiralty Dunder-Ass, The Soldier of Waterloo, The Chère-Amie Marchioness, and the Grand Lama of the Kremlin - drawn from craniological inspection, after the manner of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim, of Vienna
Place of publicationLondon, England
PublisherJohn Fairburn
SubjectHumour; Radicalism; Upper class; Politicians; Justice system
Bibliographic notesJuan Asmodeus is a pseudonym
Copy number | 00187054 |
Shelfmark | |
Loan status | |
Loan category | Reference only |