Cartoon - Throw that darn torch away and be British!, by Maro
TitleCartoon - Throw that darn torch away and be British!, by Maro
20 Jul 1933
Production date 1933-07-20 - 1933-07-20
Scope and ContentCartoon by Maro showing a statue of Truth holding a torch and a man with a cricket bat raised above his head. The text below reads: British Diplomat: 'Throw that darn torch away and be BRITISH!' (Mr AJ Cummings was accused by the British Embassy in Moscow of 'not playing the game' for reporting that the Metro-Vickers saboteurs would get a fair trial.) [Published in The Daily Worker, Weds 19 Jul 1933, page 2 under the title: Not Cricket]
Extent1 item
Physical descriptionDimensions (WxH): 27.9cm x 27.3cm. Card
Related object
Persons keywordRowney, William, Cummings, AJ, Metropolitan-Vickers
Conditions governing accessOpen
Conditions governing reproductionCopyright: Not known
Normal locationAA Framed Box 5 (Cellar)