Poster - Racism: Race in Britain
TitlePoster - Racism: Race in Britain
Production date 1971 - 1971
Scope and ContentPoster with the text: National Union of Students / Liberation / Keele Students Union. Race in Britain. An open week-end conference at Keele Students Union on 19th-20th June 1971 starting at 2pm in the Ballroom. Guest speakers: Ernie Roberts (AUEW), Stan Newens, Ansel Wong, Digby Jacks, Gus John, Lou Kushnick, Lord Fenner Brockway. Free admission for Keele students and staff and for members of the local community
Extent1 poster
Physical descriptionDimensions (WxH): 26cm x 38.5cm. Paper, black and white
Persons keywordNational Union of Students, Liberation
SubjectRace and racism, Conferences
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAA Posters Drawer 14 - Race Folder 1 (Room 30)