Poster - Labour Party Young Socialists: Youth lobby for jobs
TitlePoster - Labour Party Young Socialists: Youth lobby for jobs
Production date 1977 - 1977
Scope and ContentPoster with an anti-capitalist cartoon and the text: Labour Party Young Socialists youth lobby for jobs 16 November 1977. Fight back! Join the Labour Party Young Socialists lobby of parliament against youth unemployment on 16 Nov. Mass meeting - 1.00-5.00pm Central Hall Westminster. Useful public works not job creation. A minimum guaranteed wage of £60 and the full rate at 18. Unemployment benefit linked to the £60 minimum. 35-hours week and overtime ban throughout industry with no loss of pay - to open new jobs. Nationalisation of firms which threaten redundancies, under workers control. A socialist plan of action to provide work for all
Extent1 poster
Physical descriptionDimensions (WxH): 43cm x 59cm. Paper, coloured, illustration
Persons keywordLabour Party Young Socialists
SubjectSocialism, Young people, Employment, Labour Party policy
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAA Posters Drawer 15 - Labour Party Folder 3 (Room 30)