Poster - National Organisation of Labour Students: Fight for a better deal with Labour Students!
TitlePoster - National Organisation of Labour Students: Fight for a better deal with Labour Students!
Production date 1975 - 1975
Scope and ContentPoster with the text: National Organisation of Labour Students. End discrimination against technical colleges. Abolish discretionary awards - a living grant for all. No evening classes - time off work with full pay. Guaranteed jobs for all college leavers. Fight for a better deal with Labour Students!
Extent1 poster
Physical descriptionDimensions (WxH): 38cm x 50cm. Paper, coloured, illustration
Persons keywordNational Organisation of Labour Students, Labour Party
SubjectSocialism, Students, Young people
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAA Posters Drawer 15 - Labour Party Folder 3 (Room 30)