Poster - Racism: There's no place for racism in Oldham
TitlePoster - Racism: There's no place for racism in Oldham
Scope and ContentPoster with the text: There's no place for racism in Oldham. All racist attacks, racist harassment and racist language are unacceptable and should not be tolerated. You need to report it because we need to know about it so we can help you and deal with it! Tackling racist incidents in Oldham is top priority for Greater Manchester Police, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, Victim Support Services and Oldham Race Equality Partnership. There are several ways in which you can report any racist incident. You do not have to go directly to the police if you do not want to. You do not even have to give your name. Oldham has 'reporting centres' that will offer you support, help and guidance. You do not have to feel threatened or fearful of racism in your own community. Look out for the 'there's no place for racism in Oldham' posters or ring Victim Support Services or Oldham Race Equality Partnership for advice and details of your nearest reporting centre.
Extent1 poster
Physical descriptionDimensions (WxH): 29.5cm x 42cm. Paper. Colour
Persons keywordGreater Manchester Police, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, Victim Support Services, Oldham Race Equality Partnership
SubjectRace and racism, Racial harassment
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAA Posters Drawer 14 - Race Folder 2 (Room 30)