Poster - Racism: Wanted - a large willing audience ...
TitlePoster - Racism: Wanted - a large willing audience ...
Production date 1979 - 1979
Scope and ContentPoster with the text: Wanted. A large willing audience to help surround and capture alive the heavy rock outfit alias Wiffer last seen heading towards Rock Against Racism at the May Day Gala, Buile Hill Park. Don't miss it! (7.0pm) Mon 7th May 1979. Admission: Free. Reward. An initial showdown with a real good time; if caught in the act
Extent1 poster
Physical descriptionDimensions (WxH): 25cm x 38cm. Paper. Black and white
Persons keywordRock Against Racism
SubjectRace and racism, Concerts, May Day
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAA Posters Drawer 14 - Race Folder 2 (Room 30)