Women collection
TitleWomen collection
Scope and ContentWomen collection, including Union women: a study of women trade union officers by Edmund Heery and John Kelly (Jan 1988)
Digital recordings:
Dreamers of a new day - third Frow Lecture by Sheila Rowbotham (28 Apr 2012)
Mary Wollstonecraft and natural history - Invisible Histories talk by Sharon Rushton (8 May 2015)
Remembering Mary Barbour - social reformer, rent strike leader, women's peace crusader and pioneering woman councillor - International Women's Day talk by Catriona Burness (5 Mar 2016)
Radical Women 1880-1914 conference, keynote addresses by Sheila Rowbotham and Karen Hunt (17 Sep 2016)
What I mean my dear: the Woman Worker and the male voice - Invisible Histories talk by Deborah Mutch (10 May 2017)
Brave hearts and missionary zeal: the National Federation of Women Workers 1906-21 - Invisible Histories talk by Cathy Hunt (22 Nov 2017)
Marie Stopes: reluctant Mancunian, sexual revolutionary, birth control pioneer - Invisible Histories talk by Clare Debenham (28 Mar 2018)
Online talks: Working class women: the ritual monstering of women through the British class system - Invisible Histories talk by Lisa McKenzie (30 Sep 2020); Labour women - Invisible Histories talk by Clara Jones and Natasha Periyan (2 Dec 2020)
Digital recordings:
Dreamers of a new day - third Frow Lecture by Sheila Rowbotham (28 Apr 2012)
Mary Wollstonecraft and natural history - Invisible Histories talk by Sharon Rushton (8 May 2015)
Remembering Mary Barbour - social reformer, rent strike leader, women's peace crusader and pioneering woman councillor - International Women's Day talk by Catriona Burness (5 Mar 2016)
Radical Women 1880-1914 conference, keynote addresses by Sheila Rowbotham and Karen Hunt (17 Sep 2016)
What I mean my dear: the Woman Worker and the male voice - Invisible Histories talk by Deborah Mutch (10 May 2017)
Brave hearts and missionary zeal: the National Federation of Women Workers 1906-21 - Invisible Histories talk by Cathy Hunt (22 Nov 2017)
Marie Stopes: reluctant Mancunian, sexual revolutionary, birth control pioneer - Invisible Histories talk by Clare Debenham (28 Mar 2018)
Online talks: Working class women: the ritual monstering of women through the British class system - Invisible Histories talk by Lisa McKenzie (30 Sep 2020); Labour women - Invisible Histories talk by Clara Jones and Natasha Periyan (2 Dec 2020)
Extent1 box and 10 digital recordings
Physical descriptionRecording durations: 1 hr 10 min; 1 hr 1 min; 1 hr 34 min; 58 min; 1 hr 17 min; 1 hr 12 min; 1 hr 2 min; 1 hr 7 min; 1 hr 3 min
Archival historyThis archive collection forms part of a larger collection of material about women held by the library, including books, pamphlets and other items.
Related object
Persons keywordRowbotham, Sheila, Hunt, Karen, Montefiore, Dora B, Barbour, Mary, Burness, Catriona, Rushton, Sharon, Wollstonecraft, Mary, Mutch, Deborah, Hunt, Cathy, National Federation of Women Workers, Stopes, Marie, Debenham, Clare, McKenzie, Lisa, Wilkinson, Ellen, Woolf, Virginia, Jones, Clara, Brittain, Vera, Periyan, Natasha
SubjectWomen, Trade unions, Radicalism, Conferences, Social reformers, Literature, Birth control, Social classes, Politics
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAG Women (Room 37); AG Oversized Box 5 (Women folder) (Room 34); Digital Resource