Communist Party of Great Britain Biographical Project - John Kay, 1999
TitleCommunist Party of Great Britain Biographical Project - John Kay, 1999
10 Apr 1999
Production date 1999-04-10 - 1999-04-10
Scope and ContentThis is a copy of a tape held by the British Library, in their Sound Archives, as part of their CPGB Biographical Project. Details about the tape may be obtained from the British Library web site.
Left school in 1935. Strong socialist atmosphere in Glasgow factories during WW2. 'Weekending' as teenager: hillwalking in groups in countryside around Glasgow; YCL organised camps and sing-songs with political discussions; resisted joining YCL 'because it would interfere with enjoying yourself'. 1940s/1950s: Engineeering Apprentice at Mavor and Coulson; worked in various factories in late 1940s, saving up to go to Europe hill-walking with groups of friends for several months before returning to Scotland. Comment: 'there was plenty of jobs, you came back and got another start'. 1950s: Draughtsman, initially in New Zealand. 1956: Draughtsman at North British Loco; initially wondered whether blacklisted after New Zealand: turned down for jobs after promised a start at International Harvesters and Rolls Royce, Kilbride. Late 1960s/early 1970s: CPGB Party Worker.Communist Party Membership: 1954-1956: Member of CPNZ; around members - gradually got sucked into work; joined party at same time as got married having met Helen in New Zealand. 1956-1991: Member of CPGB; returned to Scotland and joined CP in Glasgow - seemed natural after New Zealand experience. 1991: Joined DL; felt for several years prior to 1991 that 'the name's a problem'. Never had any major disagreements with Party. 1960s: Member of CPGB Springburn branch and served as Secretary; member of Area Committee and Scottish District Committee. 1970s: Member of CPGB City Committee, Area Secretary and CPGB Scottish District Secretariat. 1970s & 1980s: CPGB Glasgow Secretary; full-time post: wages one third of previous earnings. At that time Glasgow party had over 2000 members; stood as Parliamentary Candidate for Gorbals ward in 1974 (?); big Catholic population and RC families would tell you that priest had instructed them at mass not to vote for John Kay. 1979(?)-1990: Industrial Officer/Organiser for CPGB Scottish District; took over from Jack Ashton. Member of Trades Council Member, Democratic Left and CND Anti-Polaris Co-ordinating Committee.Member of DATA branch; served as branch Secretary and on branch Office Committee. 1960s: Shop Steward/Workplace Representative for Union; Member of AScW branch Committee. 1970S: Member of ASTMS branch and AScW Scottish area Secretary.
A more detailed synopsis of the interview exists as a pdf document. This can be viewed at the WCML and there is also a Word document giving a fuller synopsis of the interview.
A digital recording of this tape is available to listen to at the library
Left school in 1935. Strong socialist atmosphere in Glasgow factories during WW2. 'Weekending' as teenager: hillwalking in groups in countryside around Glasgow; YCL organised camps and sing-songs with political discussions; resisted joining YCL 'because it would interfere with enjoying yourself'. 1940s/1950s: Engineeering Apprentice at Mavor and Coulson; worked in various factories in late 1940s, saving up to go to Europe hill-walking with groups of friends for several months before returning to Scotland. Comment: 'there was plenty of jobs, you came back and got another start'. 1950s: Draughtsman, initially in New Zealand. 1956: Draughtsman at North British Loco; initially wondered whether blacklisted after New Zealand: turned down for jobs after promised a start at International Harvesters and Rolls Royce, Kilbride. Late 1960s/early 1970s: CPGB Party Worker.Communist Party Membership: 1954-1956: Member of CPNZ; around members - gradually got sucked into work; joined party at same time as got married having met Helen in New Zealand. 1956-1991: Member of CPGB; returned to Scotland and joined CP in Glasgow - seemed natural after New Zealand experience. 1991: Joined DL; felt for several years prior to 1991 that 'the name's a problem'. Never had any major disagreements with Party. 1960s: Member of CPGB Springburn branch and served as Secretary; member of Area Committee and Scottish District Committee. 1970s: Member of CPGB City Committee, Area Secretary and CPGB Scottish District Secretariat. 1970s & 1980s: CPGB Glasgow Secretary; full-time post: wages one third of previous earnings. At that time Glasgow party had over 2000 members; stood as Parliamentary Candidate for Gorbals ward in 1974 (?); big Catholic population and RC families would tell you that priest had instructed them at mass not to vote for John Kay. 1979(?)-1990: Industrial Officer/Organiser for CPGB Scottish District; took over from Jack Ashton. Member of Trades Council Member, Democratic Left and CND Anti-Polaris Co-ordinating Committee.Member of DATA branch; served as branch Secretary and on branch Office Committee. 1960s: Shop Steward/Workplace Representative for Union; Member of AScW branch Committee. 1970S: Member of ASTMS branch and AScW Scottish area Secretary.
A more detailed synopsis of the interview exists as a pdf document. This can be viewed at the WCML and there is also a Word document giving a fuller synopsis of the interview.
A digital recording of this tape is available to listen to at the library
Extent2 cassette tapes and 3 digital recordings
Physical descriptionDuration: 2hr 13 min (over two tapes)
Archival historyThe Communist Party of Great Britain Biographical Project, part-funded by the Economic and Social Research Council covers the full period of the party's existence (1920-1991) and deals with all aspects of its work including industrial work, educational and cultural activities as well as local and international campaigns. The audio recordings of more than 150 interviews with members and former members of the Communist Party of Great Britain, conducted between October 1999 and September 2001 by a group of historians based at Manchester University have now been deposited in the British Library Sound Archive.
Related object
Persons keywordKay, John (1925-2019), Kay, Helen (1930-), Communist Party of Great Britain, British Library National Sound Archive, Upper Clyde Shipbuilders
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationZ (Room 24)