Bill McQuilkin interviewed by Angela Tuckett
TitleBill McQuilkin interviewed by Angela Tuckett
11th September 1980
Scope and ContentAngela Tuckett interviews Bill McQuilkin about the Scottish TUC. This interview provides information for Angela's book "The Scottish Trades Union Congress - The First 80 Years 1897 - 1977". There is a copy of this book at the W.C.M.L. Click on "Documentation" to see the details.
Bill McQuilkin was a full time district secretary for the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers in Paisley for 25 years up to 1968.
This is the final part of the interview which is mainly on tape 129.
There is a Word document containing a synopsis of the tape.
Bill McQuilkin was a full time district secretary for the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers in Paisley for 25 years up to 1968.
This is the final part of the interview which is mainly on tape 129.
There is a Word document containing a synopsis of the tape.
ExtentPart of a Cassette tape
Physical descriptionNWSA copy;edited print
Persons keywordMcQuilkin, William, Tuckett, Angela, Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Scottish Trades Union Congress, Communist Party of Great Britain
SubjectInterviews, History, Trade unions, Trades councils
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationZ (Room 24)