Poster - Communist Party of Britain: Demand the peace dividend!
TitlePoster - Communist Party of Britain: Demand the peace dividend!
Scope and ContentPoster with a hammer leaning up against a bomb that has bee broken open and is spilling out gold coins with the text: 3 new hospitals. 20 new schools. 1,000 new houses. A month's food for 12 million starving children or 1 day's UK arms spending? Demand the peace dividend! Put people before profits! For peace and socialism join the Communist Party. Produced by the Communist Party of Britain.
Extent1 poster
Physical descriptionDimensions (WxH): 30cm x 42cm. Paper, black, yellow and white
Persons keywordCommunist Party of Britain
SubjectCommunism, Peace movements, Defence
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationAA Posters Drawer 18 - Communist Party Folder 12 (Room 30)