General Strike, The (a talk given by Angela Tuckett to the history group)
TitleGeneral Strike, The (a talk given by Angela Tuckett to the history group)
Scope and ContentThis tape is a recording of a meeting of the History Group which took place in Houldsworth Hall, Manchester. Angela Tuckett talks to the History Group about the General Strike, mostly as it relates to Swindon. There is then a more general discussion, including an account from Bob Davies on the situation in the St Helens area.
There is a Word document gives more detail.
Angela Tuckett has several publications in the WCML catalogue. Bob Davies also has some, including "Seven Revolutionary Years 1920-1927", which expands on his contribution at the History Group meeting. And of course there are many publications from Ruth and Eddie.
There is a Word document gives more detail.
Angela Tuckett has several publications in the WCML catalogue. Bob Davies also has some, including "Seven Revolutionary Years 1920-1927", which expands on his contribution at the History Group meeting. And of course there are many publications from Ruth and Eddie.
Extent1 Cassette tape
Physical descriptionNWSA copy
Persons keywordTuckett, Angela, Davies, Bob, Frow, Eddie and Frow, Ruth
Conditions governing accessOpen
Normal locationZ (Room 24)