Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Go Away banner
TitleCampaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Go Away banner
Scope and ContentCampaign for Nuclear Disarment (CND), Go Away Banner
Roughly halfway down the banner, occupying the right third is a black-outline illustration of steps and a platform on which is a rocket-typer bomb, standing upright. To the left of this, standing just below and just right of the centre of the banner is the small figure of a man, sparingly illustrated but wearing a black suit and a glum expression.
The majority of the space on the banner is taken up by a rhyme reading:
"Yesterday upon the stair,
I saw a bomb that
Wasn't there,
It wasn't there
again today,
I wish that bomb would
This is spread over seven lines and is justified to the left edge of the banner, except 'GO AWAY' which is confined to the bottom right corner. These are in all a large black font, in an almost Gothic style with the casing as indicated in the description above.
On the front of the platform on which the bomb is standing is the word "Dimona", in a smaller, more structured, uppercase, black font.
[Attached to the top left corner of the banner is a circular pin badge with the image of a man behind bars and the words "Free Vanunu" in a large, black, uppercase font. 'Free' is at the top and 'Vanunu' at the bottom, both following the curve of the circular image in the middle. Around the left and right side of the image are the words "Nuclear Hostage" in a much smaller, uppercase, black font.]
Roughly halfway down the banner, occupying the right third is a black-outline illustration of steps and a platform on which is a rocket-typer bomb, standing upright. To the left of this, standing just below and just right of the centre of the banner is the small figure of a man, sparingly illustrated but wearing a black suit and a glum expression.
The majority of the space on the banner is taken up by a rhyme reading:
"Yesterday upon the stair,
I saw a bomb that
Wasn't there,
It wasn't there
again today,
I wish that bomb would
This is spread over seven lines and is justified to the left edge of the banner, except 'GO AWAY' which is confined to the bottom right corner. These are in all a large black font, in an almost Gothic style with the casing as indicated in the description above.
On the front of the platform on which the bomb is standing is the word "Dimona", in a smaller, more structured, uppercase, black font.
[Attached to the top left corner of the banner is a circular pin badge with the image of a man behind bars and the words "Free Vanunu" in a large, black, uppercase font. 'Free' is at the top and 'Vanunu' at the bottom, both following the curve of the circular image in the middle. Around the left and right side of the image are the words "Nuclear Hostage" in a much smaller, uppercase, black font.]
Extent1 Single Sided Banner
Physical descriptionDimensions (H xW): 112cm x 144cm. Painted on Cotton
Thin, 1-ply cotton sheet.
All text and illustrations are painted in black.
Hanging mechanism
The left and right edges of the material have been overlapped and stitched down, creating sleeves, which are open at both ends.
Thin, 1-ply cotton sheet.
All text and illustrations are painted in black.
Hanging mechanism
The left and right edges of the material have been overlapped and stitched down, creating sleeves, which are open at both ends.
Persons keywordCampaign for Nuclear Disarmament
SubjectNuclear disarmament
Normal locationBanners Box 2 (Attic)